Thursday, March 13, 2008

A New Wave Of Change

The recent nationwide general election results took us by a surprise. Nothing medical here. At least not directly related. But I must admit that everything and anything is essentially connected, in some ways, to politics in this modern civilisation.

Rather often, we clinicians do find ourselves in a tight spot to fulfill some special 'uninvited' demands from the local politicians. Some might not be the politicians themselves, but they were their friends, neighbours, relatives etc.

Queue-jumping, requests for early consultation, early appointments, special attention, demand for the 'best' medicine available... these were invariably some but not all the things that were happening over the years that I've been serving in the ministry.

Worst still, when I was serving in one of the smaller district hospital years ago, I was repeatedly confronted by outpatients who claimed to be the close friends or neighbours of our Prime Minister!

"Best medicine for me, I'm his close friend." This statement was utterly too familiar to hear.

"Don't worry sir, I am already giving you the best." Admittedly, not much of a choice, I need to use a rather 'political' statement as well. Interesting, isn't it?

I do hope that this new wave of change be served as a humble awakening to all, not just the local politicians, but also the people who endorsed them.